The Gift of Kindness

The Gift of Kindness


How are you a gift to yourself, others and the world? If that answer doesn’t immediately spark an avalanche of answers, let’s explore kindness to get a better understanding. Because we want our kids to easily recognize their own gifts, don’t we? The world is a kinder, better place because of the gift of their presence!

Our kind actions and words not only benefit the person they are directed at but also ourselves by keeping us mentally and physically healthy. If we are to parent-coach our kids through the materialism that bounds out of every nook and cranny then we have to empower them that they are a gift of hope and purpose and they have an obligation to see and share the value of their gift. In this digital social-emotional learning activity kit, they’ll learn there is nothing in a store that could ever compare with the gifts they hold inside themselves.

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Here’s what you’ll get:

  • Brain-splain: The bite-size overview of the different types of kindness and what happens in your brain when you do, receive or witness an act of kindness. When you’re done reading, you’ll know how you can start supporting your child and what skills you’ll be working to build this month.

  • Inhale+Exhale: In this breathing activity, you will lead your family through visualization of three specific types of kindness, leaving their mirror neurons lit up with feel-good neurotransmitters.

  • Brain Boost: Get ready to spread kindness like confetti! You’ll become kindness spies, elves, ninjas, superheroes - you decide - and watch your family connection grow as you do or witness kindness around you.

  • Journals: Many households have multiple kids, and adult support is just as crucial as kid support, so we provide three sets of four weekly journals (little kid, big kid, adult/teen) to help your family grow and bond. In this pack, we'll help you grow in your awareness of the gift of kindness you possess. You'll be empowered to spread kindness wherever you go.

  • Let’s Talk About It: Tired of asking what your kids feel and think and getting the cold, shrugged shoulder? A set of 12 conversation starters based around kindness to help you get deeper than how was your day and help open the family communication.

  • Training Our Brains for Kindness: Showing kindness and respect to ourselves and others helps train our brain for positive self-talk and self-confidence. In this worksheet, you’ll work through ways to be kind in three specific areas.

  • Videos: Two short, fun videos - one for you and one for the kids to help explain what’s happening in the brain and how they have the power to make choices that benefit their mental and physical well-being.


+ What age-group is this for?

Most of our printables are designed for preschool through elementary age kiddos, but you're not limited to that age-range, by any means. If you have children in multiple age groups, you're going to take what you learn and infuse it in your older kid's lives, too. Plus, if you have older children, the weekly journals will make a big impact on weaving social-emotional, mindful learning into your whole family.

+ My child has a diagnosis. Will this work for me?

100% yes. What we’re going to teach you is how to boost their brain in courage, kindness, respect, responsibility, gratitude, creativity, growth mindset and healthy lifestyle. No matter your child’s diagnosis or where their current mindset is, the life skills you’re going to teach them will impact their overall well-being, contentment and future success. Not only that, it will do the same for you, which will be pretty life-altering.

+ How much time will I need to devote each month?

The content and activities will not add more to your plate, it’s just going to make the moments you have more intentional. You’ll get a little nugget each month to focus on and tools and activities to deepen your knowledge on the topic. Over time, as you rewire your brain, you’ll see the changes you’ve made take root and flourish. We’re helping you change your mindset and giving you tools to help your kids change theirs.

+ How is the content delivered?

They will be instantly downloadable after you submit your order. You’ll also get an email with download options. You’ll find all the pdfs and a link to two fun (short!) learning videos - one for your kids and one for you. View and print any of the printable PDF’s that you’d like! Stick them in a binder and use them all year long.

+ Can I share the content I get with my friends?

We would love for you to share how much you love this program with your friends and family, but each purchase is licensed for one family and can only be used with the immediate family or caregiver. If your family is in a dual house situation, you can of course share it with both houses.